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Award Winning Partner Visa Specialists

We are a specialist Partner Visa Migration Firm and provide expert advice on all aspects of Partner Migration to Australia. Our experience and proven success record means that we can provide comprehensive advice in all matters concerning Partner Migration to Australia.

Partner Migration unlike skilled migration requires advisers that understand the complex issues that can arise in a family and Migration Law context. Every couple is unique and so is their application. Due to the anti fraud measures in place with these types of applications they have become quite complicated with regard to the documentation required to substantiate that you and your partner meet the requirements in accordance with Migration Law. The documentation required will depend on your circumstances and how they are addressed in your application.

Our experienced Solicitors, Registered Migration Agents and support staff will guide you from start to finish with your Partner Visa application to ensure your matter is dealt with to the highest professional standards and keep you fully informed at all stages of the Migration process.

In addition to assisting with standard Partner Migration cases, we regularly assist with more complex matters, shall your circumstances change or require it;

  • Addition of a newborn child to your application (applicant outside Australia)
  • Australian Citizenship and Australian Passport applications for a child born in Australia to one Parent who is an Australian Citizen.
  • Addition of dependent family members (dependent Parent or Child over 18 Years of age) to your application
  • Assessment of poor Health or Health Condition and Health Waiver applications
  • Family Violence Provision Claim – where the applicant has been has been a victim of Domestic Violence.
  • s501 Character Waiver applications – where an applicant does not meet or will fail the character requirement for their Visa or Sponsorship application.
  • Public Interest Criteria and Waiver applications – where an applicant does not meet one of the Public Interest criteria such as a previous; visa cancellation, refusal etc
  • Partners currently not living together – Couples who do not cohabit under one roof for reasons of work, family or a number of other circumstances.
  • Recognition of Foreign Marriages
  • Becoming pregnant during your application
  • Sponsorship Limitation Waiver – Where you or your partner have been sponsored within the time period for a previous partner visa/sponsorship application
  • Schedule 3 Waiver – Where you were unlawful or you do not hold the correct visa at the time of application
  • 8503 (No further stay) Waiver – 8503 Condition can be attached to Visitor visa preventing a further Visa application while the applicant is physically in Australia
  • 6 Month Work Restriction Waiver application – Waiving the 6 Month Work restriction on your Working Holiday Visa – Allowing you to work with one employer longer than 6 months during the processing of your Partner application.
  • Traveling overseas during processing/Bridging Visa B applications
  • Ministerial Intervention Requests
  • Administrative Appeals Tribunal Appeals

We guarantee that we will only take on your case where we have assessed your circumstances and provide a professional opinion that you meet the requirements for your application in accordance with Australian Migration Law, Policies and Procedures. All fees and charges are provided to you prior to commencing work on your matter.


If you want proven advice that only experience and knowledge can provide, contact us today.


Why should I use a Registered Migration Agent?

Registered Migration Agents are highly trained professionals who are required to have an up to date knowledge of Migration law, policy and procedure to be admitted to registration every year. They must also regularly attend continuing professional development courses to keep their skills up to date as a condition of registration each year. A registered Migration Agent can assist you in making sure you meet the strict legal and policy requirements and also that your application is provided to the department with all the required documentation to ensure that a speedy decision can be made on your matter.

The use of a Migration Agent does not guarantee success and in fact Migration Law strictly prohibits an agent from guaranteeing a successful outcome. It is the Department of Immigration who decides if you meet the legal and policy criteria. There are serious consequences for an agent who provides incompetent advice including sanction and deregistration. Experienced Migration Agents have demonstrated that they can provide sound advice and you would be well advised to take advantage of their expertise.

Principal Registered Migration Agent: Mark Duggan B.A. M.A. (UNSW) LL.B (SCU) Grad Cert Migration Law and Practice (ANU) (MARN:1069549)

Solicitor: Brian Duggan B.A. (Hons) (UNSW) LL.B (Syd) Grad Dip Law (Syd) M.B.A. (SGSM)

1 Step 1
People who provide Migration Advice in Australia must be registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA).
Code of Conduct Cover

View Video of Important Information when hiring a Migration Agent

Partner Visas Australia

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